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Constitution of JANET

Constitution of JANET


The Japan Association for Nursing English Teaching (JANET) was established in 2016 in order to provide a forum for improving the quality of teaching, learning, and research in the field of nursing English education in Japan. We aim to encourage collaboration between English teachers and nursing professionals and support teachers to better serve the needs of the Japanese nursing community.


I. General Provisions


1. Name: The name of this association shall be the Japan Association for Nursing English Teaching, hereinafter referred to as JANET.

1.2 In Japanese, the name shall be 全国看護英語教育学会 [Zenkoku Kango Eigo Kyouiku Gakkai].

2. Purpose: The purpose of JANET shall be to improve the quality of teaching, learning and research in the field of nursing English education in Japan.

3. Activities: With the aim of fulfilling the objectives stated in the preceding article, JANET shall conduct the following activities.

  1. Periodically sponsor or endorse events related to nursing English education independently or in cooperation with other organizations interested in language education

  2. Publish academic journals, newsletters, and other materials

  3. Communicate and collaborate with relevant academic and professional organizations

  4. Promote activities related to nursing English education

  5. Promote research into nursing English teaching and learning

  6. Conduct other activities required to accomplish the above objectives.

4. Address: The official address of JANET shall be the home or work address of the Executive Director of the JANET Executive Board.

II. Membership


5. Conditions: Membership shall be open to all educators, nurses, and others interested in teaching and learning English for nursing and who desire to support the mission of JANET.

6. Admission: Those desiring to become a member of JANET must follow the specified procedure and be approved by the Executive Board.

7. Types: There are two types of membership.

  1. Regular membership

  2. Sponsoring membership

8. Dues: Regular members shall pay no annual membership fee. Sponsoring members must pay an annual fee specified by the JANET Sponsorship Policy.

9. Rights: Membership grants the following rights.

  1. Present at academic meetings

  2. Publish in the journal

  3. Access the members-only website

  4. Receive the newsletter and journal


9.2 Sponsoring members must pay a fee to present at an academic meeting or publish an advertisement in the journal or newsletter specified by the JANET Sponsorship Policy.

10. Withdrawal: Members can cancel their membership by contacting the Executive Director in writing or by email to that effect.


10.2 The term of membership for Sponsoring Members shall be one year.

11. Expulsion: The Executive Board may expel a member for harming JANET’s reputation or violating JANET’s policies specified in the JANET Code of Conduct. 


11.2 Expulsion of a member shall require the unanimous agreement of the Executive Board.

12. Forfeiture: A member who unsubscribes from the mailing list shall forfeit their membership with immediate effect.

III. Executive Board


13. Purpose: The Executive Board shall ensure that the affairs of JANET are conducted in accordance with this Constitution, Bylaws, and policies of JANET and shall provide leadership for the attainment of the goals of JANET.

14. Composition: JANET's Executive Board shall consist of the following officers.

  1. One executive director

  2. At least two but no more than four assistant directors

15. Executive Meetings: The JANET Executive Board shall meet periodically to discuss matters related to the operation and activities of JANET.

16. Selection: Directors and Auditors shall be chosen from among the Advisory Committee as specified in Section II of the JANET Bylaws.

17. Executive Director Duties: The Executive Director shall exercise general leadership and supervision over the affairs of JANET in implementing its purposes and goals.


17.2 The duties of the Executive Director shall be the following.

  1. Coordinating the activities of the JANET Executive Board

  2. Directing and publicizing the affairs of the organization

  3. Presiding over meetings of the Executive Board and the Annual General Meeting

  4. Appointing ad hoc committees and being ex-officio member of all committees,

  5. Countersigning all contracts and other instruments of JANET

  6. Executing such additional duties as are defined by the Executive Board or the Advisory Committee.

18. Assistant Director Duties: Assistant Directors shall assist the Executive Director to carry out the above duties and serve in place of the Executive Director in the case of an accident or absence.

19. The Executive Board shall undergo an annual audit by the auditor(s) appointed as specified in Section II of the JANET Bylaws.

20. Term: The term of office for Directors, Treasurers, and Auditors shall be three years.

20.2 Re-election shall not be prohibited.

IV: Advisory Committee 


21. Composition: The JANET Advisory Committee shall be comprised of 10-30 officers.

22. Selection: Members of the Advisory Committee shall be selected from the regular members as specified separately and approved by the Executive Board.

23. Auditor Duties: The auditor shall carry out the following duties in relation to the operation, activities, and finances of JANET.

  1. Audit the activities of the Executive Board and submit a written report to the Annual General Meeting.

  2. Demand a written report of activities from the Executive Board and investigate the activities and finances of JANET.

  3. Submit a written report to the Executive Board and Advisory Committee upon discovery of improprieties in the financial situation or activities of JANET.

  4. Convene an Emergency Meeting of the Advisory Committee in order to act upon 3.

  5. Liaise between Executive Board and Advisory Committee to introduce and vote on proposed amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws.

24. Meetings: Auditors shall be permitted to participate in Executive Board Meetings.

25. Term: The term of office for an auditor shall be three years.


25.2 Re-election shall not be prohibited.

V: Advisory Committee


26. Purpose: The Advisory Committee shall provide the Executive Board with guidance on attaining the goals of JANET as needed and shall provide support to execute the activities described in this Constitution, Bylaws, and policies of JANET. The Advisory Committee shall also be responsible for selecting the Executive Board.

27. Composition: The JANET Advisory Committee shall be comprised of 10-30 officers.

28. Selection: Members of the Advisory Committee shall be selected from the regular members as specified in Section V of the JANET Bylaws and approved by the Executive Board.

29. Duties: Members of the Advisory Committee shall serve in the various roles that support the activities of JANET as specified in Section VI of the JANET Bylaws.


29.2 Members of the Advisory Committee shall respond to inquiries from the Executive Board and discuss, report, and advise on essential JANET business.

30: Meetings: Members of the Advisory Committee shall be able to participate in Executive Board Meetings.

31. Term: The term of office for members of the Advisory Committee shall be three years.


31.2 Re-election shall not be prohibited.

VI. Treasurer


32. Selection: A member of the Advisory Committee may volunteer or be appointed treasurer.

33. Duties: The treasurer shall carry out the following duties in relation to the operation, activities, and finances of JANET.

  1. Creating an annual budget

  2. Maintaining all financial records and accounts

  3. Collecting and making necessary disbursements of JANET funds

  4. Accepting payment of fees from sponsors and conference participants

  5. Reimbursing individuals for JANET-related expenses

  6. Submitting financial reports as directed by JANET policy.

34. Term:  The term of office for treasurers shall be equivalent to the number of months remaining in the treasurer’s current term as a member of the Advisory Committee.

35. Acting Treasurer: In the absence of a Treasurer, a member of the Executive Board shall carry out the duties of treasurer.

VII. Annual General Meeting


36. Scheduling: JANET shall hold an Annual General Meeting during the JANET Conference.

37. Notification: The Annual General Meeting shall be announced to JANET members in advance.

38. Content: Directors and officers shall report on the state of JANET’s activities and finances during the period since the previous Annual General Meeting.

VIII. Accounting


39. Fiscal Year: The fiscal year shall begin on April 1 and end on March 31 the following year.

40. Expenses & Revenue: the ordinary expenses of JANET shall consist of fees related to the operation of the website and conference.


40.2 Additional expenses shall be determined by the Executive Board as needed.


40.3 Revenue generated during a fiscal year in excess of expenses for said fiscal year shall be held in a separately specified bank account and used only to meet expenses incurred in future fiscal years.

41. Financial Report: At the end of the fiscal year, the auditor(s) shall verify the financial statement and submit a written report for the Annual General Meeting as specified in Article 30 of the JANET Bylaws.

42. Dissolution: In the event JANET ceases to operate, any money in the separately specified bank account shall be donated to a recognized charity at the discretion of the Executive Board prior to dissolution.

IX. Disputes


43. If a dispute arises between members of JANET about the validity or propriety of anything done by the members under this constitution, and the dispute cannot be resolved by agreement, the parties to the dispute must first try in good faith to settle the dispute by mediation before resorting to litigation.

X. Quorum


44. Executive Board Meetings: A quorum shall consist of 66% of the directors.

XI. Amendments and Bylaws


45. Procedure: Amendments to this constitution may be proposed by any member of the Advisory Committee or Executive Board to the Auditor.

46. Notification: Any such proposed amendments shall be distributed to all members of the Executive Board and Advisory Committee within one month of receipt.

47. Ratification: To become effective, proposed constitutional amendments must be approved by at least 75% of the Advisory Committee plus Executive Board.

48. Bylaws: Matters necessary to the implementation of this constitution will be specified separately as bylaws.

Ratified 13 June 2019

Amended 8 October 2020

 Bylaws of the Japan Association for Nursing English Teaching

I. Membership


1. Affiliation: A person desiring to join JANET must declare an affiliation.


1.2 If the person does not have an affiliation, that person must declare a reason for wanting to join JANET.

2. Removal: When a membership has been cancelled or a member expelled, that member’s name will be removed from the membership list and will no longer enjoy the rights of membership explained in Article 9 of the Constitution.

II. Director Elections


1. Election Committee: The Executive Director shall convene a temporary committee (hereafter, Election Committee) in January of an election year.

 2. Nominations: The Election Committee shall seek nominations for Directors from the Advisory Committee. The following conditions must be met.

  1. Candidates must be members of JANET

  2. Candidates must be members of the Advisory Committee or a current Director 

  3. Candidates must acknowledge acceptance of nomination and provide relevant biographical information.

2.2 Candidates can nominate themselves.

3. Procedure: The Elections Committee shall conduct a vote within the Advisory Committee in the month preceding the annual conference.


3.2. Voting shall be conducted online.


3.3 A candidate must receive votes from at least 51% of Advisory Committee members in order to be elected.

4. Term: The term of office for directors shall be three years from the day after the Annual General Meeting to the Annual General Meeting three years later.

5. Vacancies: If for any reason an office becomes vacant, the vacancy shall be filled by Executive Director appointment.

6. Removal: A Director who fails to perform his/her duties under the JANET Constitution and Bylaws may be removed from office by a three-fourths vote of the JANET Advisory Committee.

III. Executive Board Meetings


7. Agenda: A written agenda will be sent to the Advisory Committee by a member of the Executive Board at least one week before the meeting.

8. Minutes: Minutes of the meeting will be provided to advisory committee members no more than one week after a meeting.

9. Procedure: Electronic discussions using email or video chat shall be used when face-to-face meetings are not possible.

IV. Appointment of Auditor(s)


10. Nominations: The Executive Board shall seek nominations for Auditor(s) from the general membership and Advisory Committee.


10.2 The period for nomination shall start at the Annual General Meeting and end one month later.

11. Conditions: To become an Auditor, the following conditions must be met.

  1. Candidates must be members of JANET

  2. Candidates must acknowledge acceptance of nomination and provide relevant biographical information

  3. If elected, Auditor(s) cannot serve concurrently as officers of the Advisory Committee or Executive Board.


11.2 A current auditor can be nominated for re-election.


11.3 Candidates can nominate themselves.

12. Procedure: A candidate must be approved by at least 51% of the Advisory Committee and Executive Board.

13. Term: The term of office for Auditor(s) shall be three years starting one month from the day after the Annual General Meeting and ending one month from the day of the Annual General Meeting three years later.

14. Resignation: An Auditor can resign at any time by submitting notification in writing or by email to the Executive Director.

15. Removal: Any Auditor who fails to perform his/her duties under the JANET Constitution and Bylaws may be removed from the committee by a vote in favour of a resolution by at least 66% of the Advisory Committee and Executive Board.

V. Advisory Committee Appointments


16. Nominations: The Executive Board shall seek nominations for the Advisory Committee from the general membership and Advisory Committee.


16.2 The period for nomination shall start at the Annual General Meeting and end one month later.

17. Conditions: To become a member of the Advisory Committee, the following conditions must be met.

  1. Candidates must be members of JANET

  2. Candidates must acknowledge acceptance of nomination and provide relevant biographical information

  3. Candidates must acknowledge that they will take on a role specified by the Directors.


17.2 A current member of the Advisory Committee can be nominated for re-election.


17.3 Candidates can nominate themselves.

18. Procedure: A candidate must be approved by at least 51% of the Executive Board in order to be elected.


18.2 The total number of Advisory Committee Officers must not exceed 30.

19. Term: The term of office for Advisory Committee Officers shall be three years starting one month from the day after the Annual General Meeting and ending one month from the day of the Annual General Meeting three years later.

20. Resignation: A member of the Advisory Committee can resign at any time by submitting notification in writing or by email to the Executive Director.

21. Removal: Any Officer who fails to perform his/her duties under the JANET Constitution and Bylaws may be removed from the committee by unanimous agreement of the Executive Board.

VI. Officer Roles  


22. Selection: The Executive Board shall consult with each Advisory Committee member to find them a role.

23. Expectations for each role shall be specified in the JANET Annual General Meeting Officer Reports.

24. Creation of Committees: The Executive Director may create additional temporary or permanent committees at any time to fulfil the mission of JANET.

25. Committees: The following committees shall be established by the Executive Director and filled by members of the Advisory Committee through consultation with the Executive Board.

  1. Journal Steering Committee

  2. Journal Review Board

  3. Conference Committee.


25.2 The Journal Steering Committee shall consist of the Journal Editor(s) and Executive Director.


25.3 The Journal Review Board shall consist of 7-15 people and be headed by the Journal Editor(s).


25.4 The Conference Committee shall consist of at least one conference chair, a site chair, at least three reviewers, and the Executive Director.

26. Roles: The following roles shall be available to members of the Advisory Committee and filled in consultation with the Executive Board.

  1. Treasurer(s)

  2. Newsletter Editor(s)

  3. Journal Editor(s)

  4. Webmaster(s)

  5. Conference Chair(s)

  6. Site Chair(s)

  7. Liaison Officer(s)

  8. Membership Chair(s)


26.2 Any number of people may work together as a team using titles to reflect such sharing of responsibilities.


26.3 Any individual officer may hold more than one position as needed.


26.4 The Executive Board shall create additional roles as necessary.

VII. Annual General Meetings


27. Notification: In the event of convening an Annual General Meeting, notification of date, place, purposes and agenda of the Annual General Meeting shall be sent to JANET members by the Executive Board at least one month before the Annual General Meeting.

28. If unable to hold an Annual General Meeting in person, the Annual General Meeting shall be held online.

29. JANET members shall have the right to address suggestions and feedback to the Executive Board at the Annual General Meeting in person or in writing.

30. Reports: Reports as indicated in Article 38 of the JANET Constitution shall be submitted in writing or by email to the Executive Director by the officers indicated in Article 26 of the JANET Constitution and the Auditor, as indicated in Article 41 of the JANET Constitution, no later than two weeks prior to the Annual General Meeting.


30.2 The Executive Director shall prepare a report for the AGM and share it with the Executive Board no later than two weeks prior to the Annual General Meeting.

30.3 Officers indicated in Article 26 of the JANET Constitution, Auditor(s), and the Executive Director shall be given time during the Annual General Meeting to explain and amend their reports and respond to any questions about the reports from attendees.

30.4 If an officer indicated in Article 26 of the JANET Constitution or Auditor cannot attend the Annual General Meeting in person, the officer or Auditor may submit additional commentary on his/her report in writing or by email to the Executive Director to be read aloud in his/her place.

30.5 If the Executive Director cannot attend the Annual General Meeting in person, the Executive Director may select a Director to serve in his/her place.

31. Availability:  Officer, Auditor, and financial reports shall be made available to members.

IX. Language


32. Language: For administrative purposes, the working languages of JANET shall be English and/or Japanese.


32.2 Prevailing Language: In the event of any misunderstanding arising from a translation, the English version shall take precedence.

X. Amendments


33. Procedure: Amendments to these Bylaws may be proposed by any member of the Advisory Committee or Executive Board to the Auditor.

34. When unable to meet in person, voting shall be conducted online using a method such as online polling or email.

35. Notification: Any such proposed amendments shall be distributed by the auditor(s) to all members of the Executive Board and Advisory Committee within one month of receipt.

36. Ratification: To become effective, proposed amendments to the bylaws must be approved by at least 66% of the Advisory Committee plus Executive Board.


36.2 When unable to meet in person, voting shall be conducted online using a method such as online polling or email.

XI. Management of Meetings


37. Procedure: The Executive Director shall recommend procedures for the management of the JANET Executive Board and the Annual General Meeting. In case of objections to such recommendations, the Executive Board members present shall discuss and agree upon rules and procedures to manage the meeting, consistent with the Constitution and Bylaws.

Ratified unanimously by the founding officers and by 11 of 12 of the proposed initial Advisory Committee on 13 June 2019.

Amended 8 October 2020

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